To assist international students experiencing financial difficulties due to COVID-19, several universities and colleges are offering varied support initiatives. Here are some of the institution with their COVID-19 support offers:

Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University has introduced COVID-19 Student Support Grant which provides financial assistance to support students who have incurred additional study-related expenses that have had an impact on their ability to continue the study as a result of COVID-19. Read more here.

Federation University
Federation University is offering financial assistance to currently enrolled, on-campus (Ballarat, Berwick, Brisbane, Gippsland and Wimmera), eligible domestic and international higher education students impacted by a reduced income due to reduction in or loss of employment as a result of the impacts of COVID-19. Assistance may include:
- Weekly assistance of up to $300 each (for up to five weeks)
- Funding for computer and/or technology assistance for students who are unable to study remotely
- FedLiving accommodation assistance
- Student Tuition Fee due-date extensions
Start your application from here.

Western Sydney University
Western Sydney University has announced a 10% fee reduction for onshore international students studying a coursework degree in Autumn Session, Quarter 2 and 1H, including Master of Research students. Students may also be eligible for other support from ‘international student hardship fund’.

Flinders University
To reduce financial stress, Flinders University has developed a $12.5 million Flinders Student Support Package which includes:
- $1 million in emergency support payments, of up to $500, made available to students through FUSA;
- A new Matthew Flinders Scholarship program, with scholarships valued up to $2,000, to support the continuation of your studies; and
- The waiver of the Student Services and Amenities Fee for all students.
Read how you can access these support here.

University of Newcastle
The University of Newcastle has reduced the required deposit from students to receive eCOEs to AUD$5,000 (excluding ELICOS fees). International students can also commence their studies online until students can arrive onshore. Students with ELICOS packaged offers will also be able to complete the ELICOS component online. Students can commence their classes online even if visa applications are being processed. Furthermore, the university has also announced a 5% discount for Trimester 2 2020 commencing students.
The university has also established a COVID-19 Student Hardship Fund valued at $1 million. This investment will focus on supporting a range of student emergency needs – from funding meals, helping pay bills, to assisting with accommodation for those in great need. Find out more about the available support here.

Griffith University
Griffith University is offering a COVID-19 Student Support Bursary to help current students experiencing financial hardships. Students must apply in order to be considered for this bursary and the applications must be submitted by 5:00 pm on 9 April 2020. You can find more information here.

Charles Darwin University
To alleviate immediate hardship and to enable students to continue their studies, Charles Darwin University has introduced CDU COVID-19 Student Assistance Grant. This is applicable for students currently enrolled in Semester 1, Study Periods 1-2 and/or Terms 1-2 2020. An application with supporting documents is required to apply for this grant. Apply here.

University of Southern Queensland
The University of Southern Queensland (USQ) has announced the COVID-19 Student Support Package to support its students to continue their studies through this pandemic. All USQ students will be able to access this package, which includes changes to grades and further flexibility with assignment due dates, a comprehensive suite of financial supports and further enhancements to online support services.
Financial support includes:
- Living expenses support –a one-off payment of $500 or a support payment of up to $3000 for eligible students.
- Technology packs – a single payment of up to $1000 or the provision of a personal computer to eligible students.
- Learning resource support – a single payment of up to $500 for textbooks or relevant learning resources to eligible students.
Applications for the COVID-19 Student Financial Assistance Scheme are now open. Find out how you can apply for this fund here.

University of the Sunshine Coast
The University of the Sunshine Coast is offering Emergency Bursaries valued at up to $1,000 to assist students experiencing unexpected financial hardship. Apply for this bursary here.

APIC has adjusted their fees and onshore deposit for COE for the remaining intakes in 2020 at APIC for new enrolments.

Australian Institute of Higher Education
Australian Institute of Higher Education has extended their discounted “bursary” pricing as well as the Women in STEM Scholarship for all intakes in 2020. They have also offered a generous payment plan for international students.

Macquarie University
Macquarie University has implemented ‘Student Support Success Package’ to assist its students struggling to meet everyday financial needs. This support package includes:
- E-vouchers
- Delay payment of part of the current session fees
- Borrow back 25% of current session fees
- COVID- 19 Financial Assistance Grant
- COVID-19 Financial Assistance Loan
- Flexible payment plans
Applications are now open. Read more here on how you can access these support.

Victoria University
Victoria University has launched the COVID-19 Student Support Fund to support enrolled students. Eligible students may be eligible for the following:
- Emergency financial grant for students impacted by self-isolation/quarantine requirements or job losses.
- Technology grant to support students in pursuing studies that have transitioned to digital platforms
- Crisis housing support for students who have encountered hardship as a result of the loss of paid employment. Rental assistance grants up to the value of $500
Find how you can apply for the grant here

Australian Catholic University
Australian Catholic University is offering support to international students suffering from undue financial hardship while enrolled at ACU that may prevent them from continuing their course. Support includes:
- Fee extension for Semester 1 2020 up until May 2020
- Instalment Plan for Semester 2 2020
- ACU Student Loan up to $450 if they are experiencing financial hardship
- ACU International Hardship Loan up to $4,500
Find out more and apply for the support here

EQUALS International
To support its international students, EQUALS International is offering the following support:
- Flexibility with tuition fee payments
- Access to food and care packages
- Assistance in obtaining employment with EQUALS industry partners
- Phone counselling and health consultations via phone/Zoom
Find out more about how you can access these supports here.

StudyAdelaide South Australia
The South Australian Government has announced $13.8 million International Student Support Package to support international students currently residing in South Australia and facing financial hardship.
There are three components to this package:
- The South Australian Government, in partnership with the state’s three public universities, will match funding to alleviate student hardship as a result of COVID-19. The funding will be distributed between the University of Adelaide, Flinders University and the University of South Australia to distribute to their pathway and international students.
- A $500 emergency cash grant will be available to other international students not studying at one of the public universities, currently enrolled in a course, living in Adelaide and who meet the criteria.
- For school students living with South Australian families, a one-off $200 COVID-19 assistance payment per student will be provided to homestay families, to help support accommodation for school students.
Check your eligibility criteria and Register your interest here.

Kaplan Business School
Kaplan Business School has announced a $5 Million Financial Support Package to assist its students facing difficult circumstances due to COVID-19. This package includes the following key elements:
- Temporary Tuition Relief – $750 credit will be applied to the tuition fees for Trimester 2, 2020.
- Financial Hardship Fund – worth $1.5 million exclusively for Kaplan Business School students most in need. 1,200 current students will be eligible for a $500 Visa Gift Card, in addition to receiving a credit of $750 to be applied to Trimester 2, 2020 tuition fees.
- Waiving of Administration Fees – For Trimester 2, 2020, key administrative fees for re-enrolling students including the Recognition of Prior Learning Fee ($260) and the Assessment Re-mark Fee ($250) will be waived.
Find more information on how you can avail these support here.

Victorian Institute of Technology
Victorian Institute of Technology has established the Financial Hardship Assistance Package worth $1,000,000 to support their students in overcoming such a challenging time. This package aims at ensuring the learning continuity for students who have been adversely affected by COVID-19.
Apply to avail this support here.
To avail these grants, please contact your respective institutions. If you need further information, please contact one of our offices.
We will update this section as more information becomes available to us.